Sometime in 1984 I saw kids at school rolling strange dice and talking about the Gates of Hell. They asked me to join their fun, giving me an elf with a +1 sword. I have been playing RPGs ever since and sometimes I even create and publish my own RPG books. Check ‘em out. Some are on DriveThru RPG, some are free PDFs you can download right here.
Supercalla: Space truckers, robot cops, and space diners on the Supercalla highway, backroad of the Cozmos! A Troika! RPG setting with 36 backgrounds. 48 pages.
Cozmic Metal Heads: All robots, all the time. The Cozmos is your home, the Supercalla your highway. A Troika! RPG setting book with 36 robot models to choose from. 48 pages.
Howler: The first OSR adventure module I ever created! A short tomb adventure for low level PCs, easy to run in a single session. Written for Labyrinth Lord, 22 pages.
Winds of the Ice Forest: My second adventure module written for Labyrinth Lord rules. A low level romp through a frozen forest with a twisting, changing path. Easy to run in any time slot, 22 pages.
Rabbits & Rangers: Badgers, tigers, and fossas oh my! 50 PC animal species written for Labyrinth Lord rules. 78 pages.
Black Pudding Heavy Helping Vol. One: The first four issues of Black Pudding, arranged by topic for your old school convenience. Get the hardback print-on-demand or PDF! 120 pages.
Black Pudding #1: Glorping along, shlorping around the dungeon corner... kill it with fire! A classic OSR zine filled with character classes, monsters, spells, character sheets, and adventures, mostly hand-lettered. 24 pages, pay what you want.
Black Pudding #1 (print): Squarehex prints my zines on lovely thick paper. These are delicious to hold in your hands.
Lizards vs. Wizards: The human world is no more, only lizards remain! And wizards... those nasty evil bastards. Simple game, d100 system, 28 pages, pay what you want.
The Pool: A very simple game system without any context. A "universal" system, as they say. Roll a pool of dice, gamble some of them, and if you roll well you get to describe what happens. A proto-story-game from 2001. 8 pages or so, click to download PDF.
The Questing Beast: Using The Pool as an engine, this is a game of King Arthur + talking animals from 2003, very early in the days of narrative gaming. 32 pages, click to download PDF.
OSR Character Sheets: A collection of old school character sheets for Labyrinth Lord, Old School Essentials, etc. 20 pages, click to download PDF.
Black Pudding #7
Black Pudding #5 (print)
Black Pudding #5: The Rat Queen Dies Tonight, star trolls, orbii, meatshields, and more. 24 pages, pay what you want.
Black Pudding #2: More spells, monsters, classes, and adventures for your old school games. Mouldwarp, werewolf hunter, Vault of the Whisperer (map by the great Karl Stjernberg). 24 pages, pay what you want.
Black Pudding #2 (print)
Black Pudding #3: Luchador, Meatshields of the Bleeding Ox, Into the Nest of the Dopplegangers (Matt Hildebrand), and more. 24 pages, pay what you want.
Black Pudding #3 (print)
Black Pudding #4: The Black Pudding OSR Playbook (almost a complete game!) plus some classes and fun stuff. 24 pages, pay what you want.
Black Pudding #4 (print)
Glorpy!: A little OSR style RPG jam I did with some pals (Karl Stjernberg, Goblin's Henchman, others). 11 pages, free.
DCC RPG Chainmail Chicken class. You need this.
A cool note sheet for your awesome RPG character or campaign.
Black Pudding #6: The Fat Lady, monstrous toad, Underground Down Below (with elegant map by the great Evlyn Moreau), character sheets. 24 pages, pay what you want.
Black Pudding #6 (print)